
Rock On appears to be a comprehensive platform for music enthusiasts. Users can explore upcoming concerts, purchase tickets, and manage their concert-going experience. The app features artist profiles, concert details, and even a wallet section for storing purchased tickets. Whether it’s securing front-row seats or discovering new artists, Rock On aims to be the ultimate companion for concert-goers.
01/2024 - 02/2024

The problem:

Concert enthusiasts often struggle to discover upcoming events, secure tickets efficiently, and manage their concert schedules. They need a seamless platform that simplifies the entire concert-going experience, from finding their favorite artists’ shows to purchasing tickets hassle-free. Additionally, artists and event organizers seek a reliable way to engage with their audience and promote their live music events effectively.

The Goal:

Our mission with the Rock On app is to empower users by providing a user-friendly platform that revolutionizes the concert experience. We aim to be the go-to app for music lovers, artists, and event organizers alike. Through Rock On, users can effortlessly explore upcoming concerts, receive personalized recommendations, and build a digital wallet for their event tickets. By putting users at the heart of our design, we strive to create a vibrant community around live music events.

My role:

UX Designer


User research, Personas, User journey maps, Wireframing, Low-Fidelity Prototype, High-Fidelity Prototype, Usability studies, Mock ups, Accessibility design

User research: summary

Persona: Alex


  • Discover new and emerging artists across various genres.

  • Secure tickets for both mainstream and indie concerts.

  • Stay updated on exclusive pre-sale events and early-bird offers.


  • Missing out on ticket sales due to late notifications or limited availability.

  • Navigating cluttered ticketing platforms with confusing interfaces.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of concert options.

The dynamic live music industry has undergone significant transformations, with soaring concert ticket prices. While multiple factors contribute to this trend, the impact of internet technologies on ticket pricing remains underexplored. Our research delves into the concert ticket market, drawing insights from academic literature on e-commerce. We investigate how internet technology influences ticket costs and identify user-centric pain points. By empathizing with concert-goers’ needs, our goal is to develop an app that streamlines ticket booking, enhances artist discovery, and fosters a vibrant community around live music events.

Alex, a passionate music enthusiast, eagerly anticipates an indie rock band’s concert in Manchester. However, the ticket purchase process becomes a maze of hidden fees and a cumbersome checkout flow. Alex fears missing out due to inflated prices. Rock On steps in with transparent pricing, no surprises during checkout. The app simplifies ticket booking, ensuring Alex secures a ticket hassle-free. On concert day, timely reminders and a digital wallet make entry smooth. Alex leaves fulfilled, grateful for Rock On’s role in discovering a hidden gem in the music scene.

  • Full Name: Alex Mitchell

  • Age: 28

  • Education: Bachelor’s degree in Musicology

  • Hometown: Manchester, UK

  • Family: Single, close-knit relationship with parents and a younger sister

  • Occupation: Freelance music journalist and part-time barista

Paper wireframes

At first, I wanted to make a simple fit-to-screen home page but then I saw that what I had in mind won’t work. So, I had to make it like a longer page and the result was something new. Then I thought that I should have two separate pages for a video list and playing videos.

Digital wireframes

my design process was guided by specific goals and considerations. Firstly, I aimed to create a clean and organized layout that enhances user experience. The homepage features a prominent search bar, allowing users to quickly find relevant content. Categorized content blocks help users navigate through the app seamlessly.

The search bar enables quick access to targeted information by allowing users to input queries. The user can efficiently find relevant content without navigating complex menus.

Profile icon provides personalized experiences and direct access to account settings. Users can easily manage preferences and customize interactions within the platform.

"Destails" section offers transparency by providing itemized information related to the transaction. it allows users to verify accuracy, understand components, and stay informed.

Secondly, the “Congrats!” page indicates a reward or achievement system, encouraging user engagement and continuous usage. By focusing on intuitive navigation, transparency, and user-centric design, I aimed to provide an interactive interface that not only meets functional needs but also delivers a rewarding experience for music enthusiasts.

Total cost section provides clarity on financial commitment by displaying the total cost of a transaction. It helps users track expenses and make informed decisions.

Usability study: findings


Most of the users want a purchase history to check it whenever they wanted

I took an unmoderated approach and asked the strangers I knew to try my app and give their feedback.


My primary goal in my home page design was to create an engaging and user-friendly interface for music enthusiasts. I wanted to provide a seamless experience where users could explore artists and find upcoming concerts. I opted for a dark-themed design to evoke the energetic ambiance of live music events. The white text stands out against the dark background, ensuring readability. I strategically placed a search bar at the top for quick content discovery. The categorized content blocks organize information logically, allowing users to navigate effortlessly. Also, I aimed to encourage user engagement and retention. The “Congrats!” page serves as a reward system, acknowledging achievements or milestones within the app. By displaying event-related tips, I fostered a sense of community and shared experiences. The lineup details and venue information provide context, enhancing the user’s excitement. Additionally, the call-to-action buttons encourage further interaction.

Before Usability Study

After Usability Study

Accessibility Considerations

  1. Alt Text for Images:

    1. Alt text provides essential information about the image for people with visual impairments who use screen readers or Braille displays. Ensure that alt text conveys the image’s purpose effectively.

    2. High Contrast Colors:

      • Consider using high-contrast colors to enhance readability. This benefits users with low vision or color blindness. Ensuring sufficient contrast between text and background improves overall accessibility.



Rock On has significantly transformed the concert-going experience for music enthusiasts. By providing a user-friendly platform, it empowers users to discover new artists, explore upcoming concerts, and secure tickets seamlessly. The app’s personalized recommendations enhance music discovery, while features like timely reminders and a digital wallet simplify event management. Users leave concerts with a sense of fulfillment, knowing that Rock On played a pivotal role in connecting them to hidden gems in the music scene.

What I learned:

I discovered the significance of user-centric design, transparent pricing, and personalized recommendations. By prioritizing accessibility, I ensured that the app caters to all users, regardless of their abilities. Moreover, fostering community engagement through rewarding features taught me the power of building connections within an app. Overall, this project reinforced the idea that technology can enhance real-world experiences, and I’m excited to apply these insights to future endeavors.

Let's Connect!

Feel free to contact me. I’m available at any time, and I’m looking forward to hearing from you. You can contact me through my email, mojtabaeslami34@gmail.com, and my LinkedIn, www.linkedin.com/in/mojtaba-eslami-4b1b852a1.